Electric vehicle development has progressed at an accelerating pace over the last ten years, driven by concerns over the global heating and improvements in battery technology. Since Tesla picked up the torch electric vehicles have become the most promising solution for emissions-free transit for people and goods. One barrier to wider EV adoption, however, is the slower developing charging solutions, but over the next year, we hope to install workplace EV smart charge solutions across the UK and help to in some part, rectify this issue.
Why Workplace?
Focussing on installing workplace EV smart charge solutions as the first port of call for the wider expansion of the network, is extremely beneficial to the wider issue. The more companies that endorse the use of electric vehicles, either for their employees as business vehicles or just to support individuals who have made a personal switch to them. Not only will this persuade more people to invest in theses emission-less cars but will also put businesses at the forefront of the move, helping them to be seen as beacons of sustainability, which is becoming more and more important to both customers and stakeholders.
Efficient and Cost-Effective
In order to encourage businesses to take advantage of workplace EV smart charge solutions, the government and energy companies have come together to provide incentives that encourage companies to make the switch to electricity. With grants available to fund certain amounts of charging points and lower energy tariffs available for those that already have these installed financially companies can benefit from EV and their charging ports.
If you are considering making the switch or want to install workplace EV smart charge solutions on commercial premises, call our team today on 01782 595 600.